Vox Radio


Vox Radio provides a platform where every voice in the community counts.

About Us

Vox Radio was formerly known as Amani FM which was inaugurated in 2017 with support from Amplifying Voices International. The radio’s mission was to foster peace among the communities in Tana River who had previously experienced violent inter-ethnic clashes during the 2012/13 electoral periods.

There was an urgent need for a local source of information, recognizing the potential harm caused by the spread of rumours in the absence of accurate and timely communication.

The evolution into Vox Radio is a testament to our commitment to bridging the information gap and contributing to long-lasting peace and sustainable development. 

Provides a platform where every voice in the community counts.

Why We Exist

Tana River County faces numerous challenges, including inter-ethnic violence, climate change impacts, poverty, and natural disasters such as floods and droughts. In the face of these challenges, access to information becomes crucial for making informed decisions and building resilient communities. 

Our Solution

We air programs that educate the communities in Tana to make informed decisions and  amplify their voices. We strive for tailor-made programming that resonates with the community’s specific needs.

Our areas of focus include:

Our Reach


Main station and One relay stations




Youth trainees


listeners in Tana River County, Lamu and Kilifi

Our Programs

CTA: LISTEN (attach online link) Watch live- Link to Youtube page

Every day
Local and national News -top of every hour
International News DW Swahili – 18.00
International News UN Swahili – 18.00


00.00 to 05.00

Tulivu Mix


Mon- Fri

05.00 to 10.00

Damka na Vox

Educate and Engage in

Current Affairs

Mon- Fri

10.00 to 13.00

Take Over Show


Youths and SMEs on business ideas

Mon- Fri

13.30 to 16.00

Rhumba Adhuhuri

Educate farmers empower on agribusiness

Mon- Fri

16.00 to 19.00

women matters,business , leadership and reproductive health

Mon- Fri

19.00 to 22.00

Vox Mtaani

Family show 

All round discussions

Every Friday

9.00 to 12.00

Nuru ya Kiislamu

Spiritual growth in Islam

Every Saturday

14.00 to 16.00

Crucial raggae

Youth entertainment

Every Saturday

16.00 to 21.00

Education on arts and culture

Every Sunday

06.00 - 10.00

Takasa Gospel Show

Spiritual growth in Christianity

Every Saturday

16.00 to 21.00

 Tamaduni Zetu

Education on arts and culture

The Team

Fatma Mzee

Station Manager

Filikita Jillo

Chief Editor

Kula Nzomo

Production Manager

Radio Hosts

-Kinywii Mwarabu
-Maureen Buya
-Hancy Funana
-Guracho Salat

-Yoash Festus

-Flora Andisi

-Yusuf Maro

-Esther Dalano

-Omar Salim


Reserved for daily news updates ( online Vox newspaper)

Stories that Inspire

Reserved for sharing success stories