Peacebuilding &
Civic Education
To champion peace and development projects for minority and marginalized communities and groups, we have implemented community projects and campaigns that played a key role in shifting mindsets.
Jamii Bila Balaa Campaign
In partnership with Search For Common Ground, this campaign focused on addressing and dispelling rumours and stereotypes, while also raising awareness of the positive role that families can play in fostering peace and security.
Interreligious and Intercultural Cohesion Campaign
With Support from the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and UNOPS, this endeavour aimed to foster tolerance, understanding, and widespread behavioural transformation, promoting increased respect for diversity and religious inclusion as well as preventing and countering violent extremism (PCVE). The initiative utilized both on-air interventions and on-ground activations in Tana River County.
UnaHakika Project
The dissemination of false information played a crucial role in exacerbating the violence in Tana River County. In response, the Sentinel Project introduced the UnaHakika Project—a system that employs crowdsourcing to collect reports of rumours, map their propagation, and counter them using an SMS platform. Over time, the UnaHakika initiative has proven highly effective in assisting community members by providing access to precise and authenticated information from an unbiased source. Presently, the Amani Center staff is managing the daily operations of the UnaHakika platform with support from the Sentinel Project.
Countering Violent Extremism
Implemented with the support of the Global Center on Cooperative Security, this initiative sought to generate awareness about the detrimental effects of conflict while fostering peace and preventing and countering violent extremism (PCVE) among the youth in Tana River County through community media interventions.
My County My Responsibility Campaign
We collaborated with Jesuits Hekimani to conduct sensitization campaigns on the importance of participating in public forums. This was after recognizing the low turnout by residents in public participation forums which are meant to discuss issues that affect the lives of the residents.
Climate Resilience
In partnership with Nature Kenya we are advocating for community-led restoration, creating awareness on the value of conserving forests and Sensitising the public on the need for wise use of resources, highlighting the dangers of uncontrolled grazing and overstocking.
Accelerated Learning Program
In collaboration with Zizi Afrique and Safaricom Foundation, Amani Center and Vox Radio participated in the Accelerated Learning Program aimed at assisting struggling and underserved learners to stay up to date with their learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Approximately 2500 school-going children directly benefited from this project.
STEM Mentorship
We run a mentorship program for high school learners in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
As part of this program, learners have the opportunity to submit their questions through the “ASK A STEM MENTOR PLATFORM,” established by Safaricom for this specific purpose.